“You can save $300,000 on this project if you change to makeup air PTACs!” We’ve all heard GCs’ promises to “Value Engineer” a project and save big dollars by redesigning a hotel’s HVAC system with Makeup Air PTACs. Is this really true!? What are the tradeoffs? Will my guests know the difference? Today, we dive into this topic and help you answer all these questions.
In HVAC, OA stands for Outside Air, referring to fresh air brought indoors to improve air quality by reducing pollutants, increasing the amounts of oxygen, and controlling humidity and odors. Proper OA management ensures a comfortable, healthy indoor environment. The goal of OA is also to pressurize the hotel guestroom, so it is in a state of positive pressure, keeping out moisture and unwanted smells.
The most common methods for introducing fresh air into a hotel guestroom:
- Dedicated Outside Air System (DOAS)
- PTAC with a two-stage system (Makeup Air PTACs)
Dedicated Outside Air System (DOAS)
A DOAS provides the ventilation needs of a building by conditioning 100% outdoor air (OA) independently of other heating and cooling systems.
- Improved indoor air quality.
- Reduced smells & stale air.
- Increased energy efficiency / Lower utility costs.
- Decreased mold growth risk.
- Enhanced guest comfort.
- Higher upfront costs.
- More duct work is required.
PTAC with a two-stage system
Makeup Air PTACs (Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners with Makeup Air) are HVAC units designed to bring fresh outdoor air into a room while controlling its temperature and humidity.
Advantages of OA PTACs:
- Less upfront costs.
- Reduced ductwork.
- Easy to maintain and replace.
Disadvantages of OA PTACs:
- Fails to pressurize room.
- Inefficient, higher energy costs.
- Extra heating needed in cold.
- No fresh air when off.
It’s important to note that OA PTACs are not recommended for regions with very cold climates or areas with high humidity.
BASE4 Design Solutions
At BASE4, we exceed client expectations with our innovative HVAC solutions, ensuring your hotel projects are equipped with the most efficient and cost-effective systems. With our comprehensive architecture, engineering, and design services, we are the ideal partner for all your HVAC needs. Our team leverages cutting-edge technology and industry expertise to deliver tailored solutions that enhance guest comfort and operational efficiency.
BASE4’s expertise in architecture and engineering can address air quality concerns, making hotel rooms fresher and more appealing through innovative design and technology.
Thank you,
Blair Hildahl
BASE4 Principal