Reading Time: 4minutesAs hotel and multifamily designers, we often get asked about the methods we see in construction that can reduce project costs and time or bring added value to a project. Unfortunately, framing direction is often overlooked when selecting between I-Joists and Trusses. Still, selecting either can affect the coordination of multiple disciplines, delivery dates, construction costs,
Reading Time: 5minutesWith low lumber prices, many developers are moving towards wood-framed construction, where you will come across two main floor framing systems: I-Joists & Wood Trusses. Each floor system has its unique differences. The system you choose will significantly impact your project’s overall design and pricing. Both framing systems offer benefits and drawbacks. Read on to find
Reading Time: 4minutesGreetings to our Base4 Partners! Part III: Getting five stories (and more rooms) out of your wood building hotel projects: In case you missed it… last week, we explored potential ways to increase wood buildings to five stories using Type IIIA construction. (Link to Part 2). Another option for building a 5-story wood hotel is the use of
Reading Time: 3minutesGreetings to our Base4 Partners! Last week, we explored code restrictions pertaining to wood structures and potential ways to increase building height and number of stories. As discussed in Part 1 (Link to part 1), the International Building Code (IBC) classifies traditional wood framed construction as Type V and allows a maximum of four stories when
Reading Time: 3minutesGreetings to our Base4 Partners! Today marks the beginning of a new three-part series about 5-story wood framed hotel construction. We often get asked about 5-story wood framed hotel construction due to confusion regarding what is allowed by the code. In this series, we attempt to address your concerns and questions. Before we can dive
Reading Time: 4minutesAs hotel designers, we often get asked about the trends we are seeing in hotel construction that can reduce project costs, save GCs time, and/or bring added value to a project. One question that is discussed at the outset of every project is how a wood framed hotel will be framed. With traditional wood framing